Saturday, November 28, 2009

Prime minister finds new opportunities for Moldova during CIS summit

November. /MOLDPRES/. Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat has said that the government found new opportunities for Moldova during a summit that took place in Yalta, Ukraine. Filat was talking at a news conference focused on his participation in the summit of the CIS Council of Heads of Government.

The prime minister said that the participants in the summit, which was chaired by Moldova, discussed a large spectrum of issues, among which the economic and financial crisis, energy, innovation, migration and humanitarian problems. Moldova signed a series of documents, except for politically and military related ones.

In Yalta, Filat had bilateral meetings with his Ukrainian and Russian counterparts and with the deputy prime minister of Azerbaijan.

Vlad Filat described the meeting with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, as one that opened a new page in the Moldovan-Russian relations. "I saw a strong and pragmatic personality in Putin, one who is acquainted with the realities in Moldova," the premier said. During the meeting the sides discussed possibilities of removing impediments to Moldovan wine products on the Russian market. To this end, they agreed on a working visit to Moscow by a group of Moldovan experts.

The Moldovan prime minister also asked the Russian side to exempt Moldovans from the compulsoriness to get a 90-day stay permit if they want to travel to Russia, and noted that Ukrainian and Azerbaijani citizens benefit from this privilege.

Filat expressed satisfaction with the agreements on the Transnistrian conflict reached with the Russian side. He said that Russia emphasized that the conflict should be settled in the 5+2 format. "This approach demonstrates a growing interest and higher dynamic," Filat said.

Referring to a loan that the Russian government decided to give Moldova, Filat expressed hope that Moldova will have access to it by late 2009. He said that the loan will be of 150 million dollars and not 500 million dollars as it had been said before.

During the meeting with Ukrainian Prime Minister Yuliya Timoshenko, the sides discussed possibilities of removing impediments to trade, particularly in terms of wine export to Ukraine. Also, they discussed the Transnistrian conflict and border demarcation issues. The premier said that a group of Moldovan experts will visit Kiev to tackle these issues.

Filat and Timoshenko also approached the issue of Moldovans travels to Ukraine and identified ways to lift the previously imposed restrictions. According to Filat, a first success is the resumption of work of the Moldovan-Ukrainian joint commission for economic cooperation, which was idle during the previous government.

As concerns the Transnistrian conflict settlement, the prime minister found "direct and vigorous" support for the 5+2 negotiating format and for the monitoring of the Transnistrian sector by the EU Border Assistance Mission to Moldova and Ukraine (EUBAM).

During the meeting with the head of the Azerbaijani delegation, the Moldovan side asked for assistance consisting of fuel oil or diesel oil for the cold season.

The next meeting of the CIS Council of Heads of Government will be held on 21 May 2010 in Moscow.

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